Spiritual life coaching for answering your life’s calling 

Reclaim your magic, create work that matters, and build communities that make change. Tap into the powerful magic of who you are to create positive changes in the world around you while answering your life’s calling.

The world needs changemakers like you

You feel a calling towards something different, but maybe you don’t yet see yourself as a powerful changemaker. You’ve lost your connection to the magic of who you are and how simply being you can make positive changes in the world. Often, that’s because simply living and working on the physical plane gets in the way. Is this you?

  • You have built a successful career, but at the end of the day, you question if your work matters.
  • You have a large social circle but do not feel supported or empowered by the people around you.
  • You have a strong sense of purpose or a greater spiritual calling.
  • You wonder if you can change the world or feel overwhelmed by humanity’s challenges.
  • You worry about being judged or ridiculed when discussing your calling or desire to change the world.
  • You feel alone and desire a community committed to improving the world.
  • You even have doubts that you know what your calling is.
  • You’re very concerned about the world’s big problems like inequality, climate change, and injustice.

Imagine yourself creating and inspiring positive change in the world

If you’re feeling a tug toward your spiritual calling, let me assure you that you are the right person in the right place at the right time. Unfortunately, you’re not alone. Lots of powerful visionaries struggle with the same challenges you’re facing. But take a moment and imagine what it would be like to:

  • Confidently say “No” to work that you don’t love or doing things because you feel like you have to.
  • Finding or creating work that matters and that fits your lifestyle and values.
  • Knowing that you’re building a powerful legacy and that people will remember you for the powerful impact you made. 
  • Attracting friends who share your values and support your soul’s calling to change the world for the better.
  • Show up fully as your authentic self without apologies, doubts, or reservations.
  • Stop trying to fit in and instead find your inner belonging.
  • Know without a doubt that one person can change the world and that you’re one of them.
  • Share your dream and vision without fear of judgment or ridicule. 

All this and more is possible when you reclaim the magic of simply being you. 

Spiritual life & business coach Julian Crosson-Hill, ACC sitting on a wooden floor and holding a frame drum.

Hi! I’m Julian.

I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life & business coach, human design specialist, and spiritual guide. I also firmly believe that one person can change the world.

But I wasn’t always. Like you, I had a successful career, but I didn’t necessarily enjoy my work. I had friends, but not ones I felt were really “plugged in” to their life purpose or doing a lot to make a difference. I wanted my work to matter and support my values. I wanted a community that was creating change in the world. And in many ways, I was hiding part of how I am.

Through working with coaches, understanding my human design, and taking this journey a step at a time, I stepped into answering my divine calling. I know you can, too, and I’m ready to help and support you.

Julian signature

It all begins with simply being you

You might not realize right now how magical simply being you is. You’re one of a kind. Your unique perspectives, strengths, and gifts are what the world needs right now. But, if you’re like most people, there are lots of things pulling you away from your true essence. 

How Spiritual Life Coaching Empowers You to Answer Your Life’s Calling

As a spiritual life coach, I partner with you to tap into your infinite creativity to find the solutions you require. Coaching can enable you to fully express your true spiritual essence, answer your calling, and change the world. Coaching can help you:

Silence the inner critic

One of the biggest challenges to simply being you is the inner critic. The inner critic is that voice in your head telling you that you need to be different to be liked or accepted. It’s the voice telling you that you’re not enough or not worthy of what you desire. Silencing your inner critic helps you move forward with more confidence and less doubt. 

Embrace Your Shadow

Your shadow is comprised of all the traits of yourself that you don’t like or repress. Your shadow can be a tremendous source of strength and insight. Embracing your shadow makes you whole and allows you to tap into these impressive reservoirs of resilience and wisdom. 

Clarify Your Values

You might not have given your values a lot of thought, but getting clear on your values can be an important step in reclaiming your magic. When you are clear about your values, you can easily see which areas of your life are out of balance with them. Your values can help show you where to say “No” to some things. They can also guide you towards new opportunities you might not have considered.

Shift Your Mindset

Your mindset can make or break how successful you are in creating the life you desire. Changing your mindset towards a more positive outlook can benefit you tremendously. A positive mindset affects how easily you spot new possibilities and your willingness to try new things. 

Become Fully Present

Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re distracted or that important moments seem to go unnoticed. Using meditation and mindfulness to become more present in the current moment allows you to maximize your life experience. Being present helps you put aside the worries of the future and the mistakes of the past to live fully in the now. 

Live Your Human Design

Your human design shows you the blueprint of the bioenergetic makeup of your physical vehicle. Understanding your human design creates greater awareness of how life and others pull you away from your true essence. Living your human design provides powerful insights for living true to yourself. 

Create Work That Matters

At the end of the day, you want your work to feel fulfilling. You want to feel that you are living your life’s purpose. That might mean building a business or side hustle. It might mean starting a non-profit organization. It could also mean finding ways to bring greater meaning and impact to your current job or career. Each way is equally valid, and through coaching, you can gain clarity on the best path for you and how to take the next step. 

Build Communities

Modern life tends not to recognize the value of community. As you step into your true essence and answer your spiritual calling, you’ll want to surround yourself with others doing the same. Finding and creating community will support you as you live your life’s purpose. Your community will amplify your impact to create greater collective change in the world. 

Am I the right coach for you?

You might be asking yourself this very question, so let me tell you about my process and free intro call.

I think it’s important to know that I became a spiritual life coach because I felt strongly that the world needed people like you, people with a powerful spiritual mission. Unfortunately, many never commit to living their purpose because they get bogged down in the details of living on this plane of existence. I knew that part of my higher purpose was empowering people like you to go out and change the world.

As a spiritual life coach, the thing my past clients mention over and over is how grounded and fully present I am in my sessions. You will find a safe space to process the blocks and limits preventing you from reclaiming the magic of who you are. You are inherently whole and infinitely creative. It’s part of my job to help you gain greater awareness of just how amazing you are. 

That’s not to say that I will never challenge my clients. I’m never afraid to ask you a tough question or point out what you’re trying to ignore. To be effective, spiritual coaching needs to go deep into the things you’d rather not face so that you can grow. When I challenge a client, it is always from a space of non-judgment and compassion.

Ultimately, the best way to decide if I’m the right spiritual life coach for you is to have a conversation. I offer a free 45-minute intro call to get acquainted. During this call, you will have an opportunity to share a little bit about your challenges, get some new clarity and guidance around a specific challenge or topic, learn about spiritual life coaching, and decide if this would be a good fit for you. I will never pressure or hard sell you. You can book your intro call by clicking the button below.

I look forward to meeting you. 

Julian Crosson-Hill, ACC smiling and taking notes during a spiritual life coaching session

Spiritual Life Coaching Packages and cost

Reclaim Your Magic Spiritual Life Coaching is offered as a 3 month package, 6-month package or as a single break-through session.