How soulpreneurs are changing business

Feb 2, 2022 | Spiritual business

When people think about being in business, there are probably certain themes that come to mind right away. Many of those themes haven’t changed in a century or more. It seems that maybe it’s well past time for business to evolve.

Enter soulpreneurs. What is a soulpreneur? A soulpreneur is someone who starts a business centered around spirituality. They could be a spiritual coach, a tarot reader, an energy healer, astrologer, or any of the other many types of spirituality centered businesses.

Soulpreneurs are realizing that business can change. Being in business doesn’t have to be out of alignment with our values or lives. Here are a few ways that soulpreneurs are changing business.

Valuing spiritual service

The nature of a spirituality-based business is that you’ll need to charge money for spiritual services. For a long time, there was an idea that spiritual service should be free. People that taught classes, lead groups or provided other services were expected to do so for free.

Fortunately, soulpreneurs have realized that the work of their soul mission is valuable. They’re giving their energy to the people they serve so they should receive energy in exchange (in the form of money). Spiritual service is valuable and there’s nothing wrong with someone wanting to make a living from it.

Saying “No” to long hours

Another way that soulpreneurs are changing business is by saying no to ridiculously long hours. There’s a common idea that to own a business requires that you work harder than you would at a job. There’s no truth to that. Soulpreneurs are finding ways to do what their business requires without putting in long hours. As a result, they have more time to spend with their loved ones and on their own self-development.

Passing on shady sales and marketing

You’d never expect a spirituality-based business to sell its products and services through questionable means. Soulpreneurs are finding that authenticity and positivity can be powerful marketing methods. They don’t see the need to create false scarcity or fake urgency. They know the value of just being who they are, so they don’t need shady techniques.

Leveraging human design

Soulpreneurs understand their human design. They know how their type and authority can guide them to make better business decisions. They also know how to use their design to maximize their marketing. Human design allows them to show up in the most authentic way which is naturally attractive to their ideal clients.

Are you a soulpreneur who’s shaking up the status quo around owning and operating a business? Drop a comment and let us know how you’re changing business.

And if you’re just starting your spiritual business, let’s have a conversation about your experience. I’d love to support you in whatever way you need.

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